
Civil Rights Symposium: In the Footsteps of Dr. Lillie Carroll Jackson: Her Work/Our Work

The symposium, commemorating the opening of the Lillie Carrol Jackson Civil Rights Museum, will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the new Earl C. Graves School of Business and Management building on the Campus of Morgan State University. 

The symposium will be convened for the purpose of honoring and understanding the civil rights leadership and activism of Dr. Lillie May Carroll Jackson in the face of prevailing racial discrimination and segregation in the State of Maryland and nationally, and to consider how the challenges and work of her day remain the challenges and work of our day in the long, bloody struggle for civil rights, racial justice and equal opportunity for all people.

As we honor the immeasurable contributions of Dr. Lillie May Carroll Jackson, speakers and panelists at this one-day symposium will also identify and examine four contemporary civil rights challenges that are directly linked to the historic civil rights struggles and which require immediate and significant advocacy and activism from those who now walk in the footsteps of Dr. Lillie May Carroll Jackson:  (1) dismantling separate and unequal systems of higher education in Maryland and nationally; (2) confronting voter suppression, saving the Voting Rights Act and securing the right to vote; (3) confronting systemic racism in policing, law enforcement and the criminal justice system; and (4) confronting poverty and segregation by ending discriminatory and predatory practices in housing and lending and the lack of economic investment in communities of color.

Students, faculty, leadership and alumni of Morgan State University, civic and community leaders and organizations, educators and students, and members of the public are invited to participate in this historic event. 

For further information or questions, please contact the Robert M. Bell Center for Civil Rights in Education at (443) 885-4564. Parking is in the MSU Parking Garage.  

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