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Wrap-up of news stories taken from the day's local headlines.

City State's Attorney launches campaign to share stories of men who were wrongfully incarcerated

WEAA— Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby launched a new campaign to share stories of men who were wrongfully convicted and to inform people of the support support underway for crime victims and their family members who were denied justice.


 The “Faces of Actual Innocence” campaign includes video interviews with the exonerated men, a partnership with restorative justice nonprofit "Healing Justice", and will culminate in a panel discussion on October 2, 2021 – International Wrongful Conviction Day - at the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Social Work Campus. 


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“As we approach International Wrongful Conviction Day, we must celebrate the freedom gained by these men and also recognize the families who are now forced to restart their healing journey, said State’s Attorney Mosby. "While, there is no way we can ever repair the unspeakable trauma endured by these men and the victims’ families, we are here today to do our part to right the wrongs of the past and offer a real support network for those that have endured unimaginable trauma because of a flawed criminal justice system."


Baltimore native, Micarie Kemp has always been passionate about working in the media.