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Tuohy family intends to end conservatorship for Michael Oher

FILE - Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Michael Oher sits on the beach during the first half of an NFL football game against the Buffalo Bills in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010. Michael Oher, the former NFL tackle known for the movie “The Blind Side,” filed a petition Monday in a Tennessee probate court accusing Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy of lying to him by having him sign papers making them his conservators rather than his adoptive parents nearly two decades ago.(AP Photo/Nick Wass, File)
Nick Wass/AP
FR67404 AP
FILE - Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Michael Oher sits on the beach during the first half of an NFL football game against the Buffalo Bills in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010. Michael Oher, the former NFL tackle known for the movie “The Blind Side,” filed a petition Monday in a Tennessee probate court accusing Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy of lying to him by having him sign papers making them his conservators rather than his adoptive parents nearly two decades ago.(AP Photo/Nick Wass, File)

(Memphis, TN) -- The family featured in the Oscar-winning film "The Blind Side" plans to end their conservatorship for former Ravens' first-round draft pick Michael Oher.

Lawyers for Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy made the announcement during a news conference Wednesday, days after Oher accused them of tricking him into the conservatorship.

He filed a petition in a Tennessee court Monday requesting to have the conservatorship ended.

Oher claimed the Tuohys profited off his story.

Sean Tuohy told The Daily Memphian the family "didn't make any money off the movie."

Article contributed by 247newssource.

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