Dean DeWayne Wickham
Founding Dean of the School of Global Journalism & CommunicationDeWayne Wickham is the founding dean of the School of Global Journalism & Communication. Prior to coming to Morgan State University, he served as interim chair of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at North Carolina A&T State University (2010 - 2012). He also served as a distinguished professor of journalism at Delaware State University (2000 - 2005) and a visiting distinguished professor at the University of Pennsylvania (2008).
Dean Wickham began his journalism career in the summer of 1973 as a copyediting intern with the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch. He has worked for the Baltimore Sun, U.S. News & World Report, Black Enterprise magazine, CBS News, BET News and USA TODAY, where he wrote a nationally-syndicated opinion column for 30 years.
Additionally, he has written articles for the online publications The Root and The Undefeated, and for the Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy (Volume X, Summer 2004). He is the author of three books - "Woodholme, A Black Man's Story of Growing Up Alone"; "Bill Clinton and Black America" and "Fire At Will"; and the editor of "Thinking Black: Some of the Nation's Best Black Columnists Speak their Mind". The dean is also a founding member and former president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). He received a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012. In 2016, he was inducted into the NABJ Hall of Fame.
He is also the 2012 recipient of the Society of Professional Journalists highest honor, the Fellow of the Society award, for extraordinary contribution to the profession.
Research Interests: Political Journalism
Teaching Interests: Media Ethics and Political Reporting