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Wrap-up of news stories taken from the day's local headlines.

Baltimore Mayor Scott tests positive for COVID-19

BALTIMORE, MD (WEAA)— Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott has tested positive for COVID-19, city officials confirmed Monday afternoon. 

Scott’s Director of Communications Cal Harris says, "Mayor Scott tested positive for COVID-19 late this morning, and is currently self-isolating at his home in Northeast Baltimore. The Mayor is asymptomatic and currently feels fine. He will work remotely until he is officially cleared to return to City Hall”.

The city officials confirmed Mayor Scott gets tested for COVID-19 regularly to protect himself, colleagues and community members. 

According to Harris, last Friday, the mayor’s test results came back negative, however he received two positive tests on Monday. 

“The Baltimore City Health Department’s contact tracing units to notify colleagues he came across at outdoor events this past weekend”, Harris said. 

“This serves as another reminder of the vast challenges faced by the ongoing global pandemic. Despite being vaccinated and following Baltimore City’s health protocols, breakthrough infections are a real threat. This could have been a different situation if Mayor Scott were not vaccinated, which is why he continues to work closely with Commissioner Dzirasa to support ongoing vaccination efforts across Baltimore.”


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