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Wrap-up of news stories taken from the day's local headlines.

Mayor Scott releases first ever Baltimore City Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan

Photo credit: Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott

BALTIMORE, MD (WEAA) – Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott unveiled the city’s first resident-informed, multi-year violence prevention strategy Friday morning. 


The Baltimore City Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan— effective July 1, 2021- June 30, 2026– is the final product of the mayor’s Draft Violence Prevention Framework and Plan that received input from hundreds of Baltimore residents. 


“For the first time, Baltimore residents were asked what they wanted to see in a public safety strategy and they spoke up,” said Mayor Scott. “This Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan reflects the voice of Baltimoreans who want to see change in their communities. It is a path to sustainably reduce violent crime in Baltimore using a public health approach, and ultimately save lives.”






Throughout the day Friday, Mayor Scott will hold a 3-part series of eventsto reflect the 3 pillars outlined in the plan: Public Health Approach to Violence, Community Engagement and Inter-Agency Collaboration and Evaluation and Accountability. 


The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement will lead the efforts to carry out the objectives of the plan.


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“As a lifelong Baltimorean, I am grateful to fellow residents for their willingness to partner in the work of coproducing public safety," said MONSE Director Shantay A. Jackson. "Crafting a public health approach to violence is about simultaneously addressing gun violence and unearthing its root causes. This plan employs approaches that provide the maximum benefit for all residents – regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or zip code."



Read the Baltimore City Comprehensive Violence and Prevention Plan in full by clicking here.



Baltimore native, Micarie Kemp has always been passionate about working in the media.