Today With Dr. Kaye

Congressman Mfume weighs in on BPD inaction in rape, attempted murder case, government shutdown

Maryland Congressman Kweisi Mfume joins Dr. Kaye to weigh in on numerous events.

The Congressman starts the conversation by expressing his frustration over Baltimore police's inaction regarding a rape, arson, and attempted murder case.

The two then reflect on the life of the late Senator Dianne Feinstein before diving into a discussion surrounding a possible federal government shutdown.

Mfume accused GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and "extreme elements" of the Republican Party of abandoning a commitment to find common ground with President Biden.

He says they are throwing innocent hardworking Americans under the bus. Mfume says their "recklessness" now threatens our national security, food assistance programs, food safety, small businesses, and military and law enforcement pay.