School Districts continue to wrestle with ideas on how to open school for the 2020-21 academic year

Baltimore City Public Schools

As the calendar edges closer to September and the start of the fall term, school districts are working to come up with plans for the start of classes. Baltimore City Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Sonja Santelises will present a draft reopening plan to the Board of School Commissioners at the meeting on July 28. This plan, called "Closing the Distance," will include how to safely reopen buildings, how students will be taught, how often students will attend school on-site, necessary safety precautions, and much more. they will l have a plan in place by the end of July to safely reopen schools. To that extent, the School District will hold a virtual town hall for families on Thursday. Several other area school districts plan to hold similar virtual meetings with families to outline their return to school plans. 


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