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Wrap-up of news stories taken from the day's local headlines.

Marilyn Mosby talks challenging the status quo, ethics investigation, redefining public safety

MARILYN J. MOSBY State's Attorney for Baltimore City

BALTIMORE, MD (WEAA) — Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby joins Farajii Muhammad to discuss how she is using her power to challenge the status quo, being under investigation and how her office is redefining public safety. 


“I’ve been in this game for six years now and what I've learned is that when you challenge the status quo and you use your power and your discretion to reverse the effects of mass incarceration and racial inequity in the criminal justice system, the keepers of the status quo will always come for you…”- Marilyn Mosby. 



Click below to hear the conversation

Baltimore native, Micarie Kemp has always been passionate about working in the media.