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Bug- Appétit: Cicada Tacos

(Steven D. Bailey / Lake County News-Sun)

Gluten-free, low carb, and vegetarian fed, cicadas are also known for being full of vitamins, minerals, and are a rich source of protein. Even though the thought of eating an insect is unappetizing to many, there are a variety of ways dauntless individuals can prepare a safe and tasty meal. Many dishes include cicada rhubarb pie, fried cicadas and cicada soup, but have you ever thought of cicada tacos? Believe it or not, many taco lovers have enjoyed the recipe below:

2 tbsp of butter or peanut oil

1 ½ lb of cicadas

1 tsp of chili powder

1 tomato, finely chopped

1 onion, finely chopped

1 ½ tbsp of ground pepper

1 ½ tbsp of cumin

3 tbsp of taco seasoning mix

1 handful of cilantro leaves, chopped

Taco shells

Sour cream

Shredded cheddar cheese

Shredded lettuce

Here are the cooking instructions:

  1. Heat the butter or oil in a frying pan and fry the cicadas for 10 minutes, or until cooked through.

  2. Remove from the pan and roughly chop into ¼-inch cubes. Place back in the pan.

  3. Add the chopped onions, chilies and tomato, season with salt, and fy for another 5 minutes on medium-low heat. 

  4. Spring with ground pepper, cumin, and oregano to taste.

  5. Serve in taco shells and garnish with cilantro, sour cream, lettuce, and cheddar cheese. 

Be sure to enjoy your cicada taco!

Recipe provided by Cicada Invasion