Dr. Yohuru Williams, Distinguished University Chair and Professor of History and founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota joins Dr. Kaye to discuss the killing of Amir Locke.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The killing of a Black man by Minneapolis police left his family and activists angry and questioning the credibility of a department widely criticized for its initial portrayal of George Floyd’s death.
Amir Locke was shot just before 7 a.m. on Feb. 2, after officers quietly entered a downtown apartment with a key, then loudly announced their presence, kicked a sofa where Locke had been under a comforter, then shot him when he showed a gun.
Activists were angered that an early police statement called Locke a “suspect."
They questioned the same statement for saying the gun was “pointed in the direction of officers” when police body camera video was less than clear.
They also denounced police for releasing photos of a gun and bullets, calling that a character assassination.